Wow, i’ve spent three months or has it been 12 months ? Yelling at my computer. It hasn’t answered back, it has just sat there looking all Apple like, with a beautiful elegance only the iMac can offer and it does so without much complaint. At this rate I might become a very warm and pleased plonker.
It has been groaning though, silently groaning, irrespective of my anger and frustration. Again dear reader you may or may not be aware that I installed parallels 6 to allow a sharing ( ruining in fact ) of my iMac operating system, to permit a snippet of windows to operate. The key world should be “share” but it’s not been working that way.
It’s been like the sound of a strangled cat, the practicality of a blown up letter box, or like a big fat gypsy wedding dress – stretched to within an inch of its life. Straining at the seams and bulging at the bosom, flashing lights and all. Well, no, the iMac doesn’t have a bust, but it has been busted.
I’ve scoured the internet and the absolutely unpleasant parallels 6 support system, tip for you dear reader don’t download parallels and do not under any circumstance need support – it’s over whelming and as unpleasant as the dress sense at said weddings .. Check it out here if you’re confused. Very young girls dressed and dancing like hookers seemed a little odd to me. Good luck to them, if only they come to understand that they’re desired way of life does not fit in with modern society.
So what has happened today to set me off on another tirade, well aside from the 8 layers of warming snug like clothing, yes I do feel warm while looking rather pyjama like, it’s the most amazing day in the life of tbaoo the technical support for his own computer. I’ve done it – I’ve fixed the mother truck’n thing, it seems to work and allows everything else to work.
It has only taken me 5 hours today ( while remaining warm and fashionableΒ ) to repair the non comital love giver that is my iMac … cheers all round, gets the drinks in, maybe another cup of coffee and get the caravan or trailer ready I’m off to grab ( see the gypsy wedding link ) my bride for a night of courting. Goodnight and bye for now. I just need someone to clean up the horse shit first.
WoW — I’d love to learn more about the mysterious gypsies. I may have to track down this show …
cheers linda – ( you on twitter yet ? ) the show is an amazing eye opener π
WoW — I’d love to learn more about the mysterious gypsies. I may have to track down this show …
cheers linda – ( you on twitter yet ? ) the show is an amazing eye opener π
I’m impressed! Congratulations on fixing the problem.
I over a 12 month stretch managed to single-handedly kill 3 computers one of which contained every single picture that I’ve taken over a 5 year period…thank the heavens for a brilliant computer person for resuscitating and bringing it back to life long enough to save my pictures! π
thanks amy, it’s most frustrating when these problems occur .. glad you got all those memories back .. π
Wow, I hope the church was big enough! Anyways, congrats on sorting out your computer. Its so frustrating when things are not working right.
cheers adriene .. yes it was most worrying, but now it seems it’s sorted . π
Wow, I hope the church was big enough! Anyways, congrats on sorting out your computer. Its so frustrating when things are not working right.
cheers adriene .. yes it was most worrying, but now it seems it’s sorted . π
WoW — I’d love to learn more about the mysterious gypsies. I may have to track down this show …
cheers linda – ( you on twitter yet ? ) the show is an amazing eye opener π
WoW — I’d love to learn more about the mysterious gypsies. I may have to track down this show …
cheers linda – ( you on twitter yet ? ) the show is an amazing eye opener π
I’m impressed! Congratulations on fixing the problem.
I over a 12 month stretch managed to single-handedly kill 3 computers one of which contained every single picture that I’ve taken over a 5 year period…thank the heavens for a brilliant computer person for resuscitating and bringing it back to life long enough to save my pictures! π
thanks amy, it’s most frustrating when these problems occur .. glad you got all those memories back .. π
Wow, I hope the church was big enough! Anyways, congrats on sorting out your computer. Its so frustrating when things are not working right.
cheers adriene .. yes it was most worrying, but now it seems it’s sorted . π
Wow, I hope the church was big enough! Anyways, congrats on sorting out your computer. Its so frustrating when things are not working right.
cheers adriene .. yes it was most worrying, but now it seems it’s sorted . π
I have visions of you dressing your imac in lace and chiffon he he, sorry to hear about all the problems, I was contemplating a parellell platform for the mac but think i’ll stick with what I’ve got π
and here i was thinking the camera was off ..oops – thanks sj π
I have visions of you dressing your imac in lace and chiffon he he, sorry to hear about all the problems, I was contemplating a parellell platform for the mac but think i’ll stick with what I’ve got π
and here i was thinking the camera was off ..oops – thanks sj π
mate its the evil of windows eh. Someone put on their twitter that when drunk they dance like an eight year old at a gypsy wedding. I just hope the program makers picked out the worst for us ;(
yes i’m not sure whether it’s the worst or their best, but either way it’s extraordinary .. π
mate its the evil of windows eh. Someone put on their twitter that when drunk they dance like an eight year old at a gypsy wedding. I just hope the program makers picked out the worst for us ;(
mate its the evil of windows eh. Someone put on their twitter that when drunk they dance like an eight year old at a gypsy wedding. I just hope the program makers picked out the worst for us ;(
yes i’m not sure whether it’s the worst or their best, but either way it’s extraordinary .. π
mate its the evil of windows eh. Someone put on their twitter that when drunk they dance like an eight year old at a gypsy wedding. I just hope the program makers picked out the worst for us ;(
Glad you managed to fix your computer! Wow where are they getting those dresses from????
cheers nelieta .. the doco has ongoing interviews with the dress maker .. they are simply mind-blowing and totally impractical ..:)
Glad you managed to fix your computer! Wow where are they getting those dresses from????
cheers nelieta .. the doco has ongoing interviews with the dress maker .. they are simply mind-blowing and totally impractical ..:)
Glad you managed to fix your computer! Wow where are they getting those dresses from????
cheers nelieta .. the doco has ongoing interviews with the dress maker .. they are simply mind-blowing and totally impractical ..:)
Glad you managed to fix your computer! Wow where are they getting those dresses from????
cheers nelieta .. the doco has ongoing interviews with the dress maker .. they are simply mind-blowing and totally impractical ..:)
I can’t believe you let all those horses in the house while you were trying to fix the computer! Apparently you work well with distractions. Cheers. π
considering i think of myself as a distraction – yes i do π cheers
I can’t believe you let all those horses in the house while you were trying to fix the computer! Apparently you work well with distractions. Cheers. π
considering i think of myself as a distraction – yes i do π cheers